WA - University of Washington School of Dentistry (UW)  
            Supplemental questions location: AADSAS.
            Required for all applicants:
            ●	Embracing equity, diversity and inclusion is a value the UWSOD seeks to uphold in its teaching, service and research. We don’t take these values for granted, they are things that everyone in our dental school community must actively practice. If you are selected to be a member of the incoming predoctoral class, how would you contribute to developing and maintaining a sense of belonging for all of your classmates? What challenges do you think you might encounter? What benefits would you expect? (1500 characters)
            ●	Service to others is highly valued at UWSOD. Please describe a memorable experience within the last two years in which your service to someone or to a community in need was enriching to the recipient(s) of your action. What was your motivation to pursue this particular area or theme of service and what was the most meaningful part of the service for you personally? (1500 characters)
            ●	Please describe a challenge or barrier you have faced in your life. How has that influenced who you are today? (1500 characters)
            ●	Is there an area of your application that you think is not an adequate representation of your abilities? If so, please explain. (1500 characters)